Advertiser agrees that all artwork, copy and photos created by Today’s Senior Magazine are the property of Today’s Senior Magazine and any copyrights existing therein are hereby transferred to Today’s Senior Magazine. In the event above advertiser wishes to change ad resulting in a new ad layout design and/or photos, advertiser agrees to pay additional production charges, if required, and agrees to notify Today’s Senior Magazine of the requested ad changes by the 5th day of the month prior to publication month.
Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Today’s Senior Magazine from any loss or liability arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertised material. Today’s Senior Magazine will not be responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error.
At the expiration of this contract, pursuant to the term as above set out, this contract shall continue on a month-by-month basis (at the current monthly rate) until such time as either party shall give the other party a 30 day advance written notice (prior to publication date) of its intent to not continue under the terms herein. Start up advertisement will require payment prior to publication.
Advertiser will be billed monthly for each issue covered by this contract and monthly invoices are dueupon receipt. Ads may not be placed in the magazine if payment is not received prior to production day. Advertiser agrees to pay a service charge of $25.00 per month on any unpaid balance over 30 days,plus all legal and/or collection agency fees incurred in the collection of any unpaid balance, up to 50% of balance due.
Please e-mail us any pictures, graphics
or logos you wish to use in your ad